The Ratio of the Segments Created by the Orthocenter


Susan Sexton



Given triangle ABC, construct the orthocenter H.  Let points D, E, and F be the feet of the altitudes from A, B, and C respectfully.



Here I will show that







I.  Proof of:


Let us first note the following:

HD is the height of ÆBHC with base BC.

HE is the height of ÆCHA with base AC.

HF is the height of ÆAHB with base AB.


AD is the height of ÆABC with base BC.

BE is the height of ÆABC with base AC.

CF is the height of ÆABC with base AB.


So we can alter the equation by multiplying each element by a form of 1 as done below:



Now note that

Area of ÆBHC is:


Area of ÆCHA is:


Area of ÆAHB is:



Area of ÆABC is:




Area of ÆABC is also:



So we can substitute into our newly formed equation:









II.  Proof of:


Let us first note the following:

AH = AD – HD

BH = BE – HE

CH = CF – HF


So by substitution we have:





(from the proof above)




What happens if ÆABC is an obtuse triangle?


As angle ABC gets closer to 180 then any segment whose endpoint is H (HE, HB, HA, HD, HC, HF) will grow larger and segments AD, BE, and CF will get smaller.

So we will have:





So the first proved statement does not hold.











So the second proved statement does not hold.



Here is a GSP sketch to see how the numbers change when ÆABC changes.

Orthocenter Ratio







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